Park View Primary School, New Road, Halfway, Cambuslang. G72 7PU  t.  0141 641 1677   f. 0141 641 1685  e.

Mrs Julie McColl is our Head Teacher. She leads all Curricular Areas, Child Protection, Health & Safety, Equalities, Parental Involvement, CPD, Tracking Attainment, ASN, PPRUDB and School Finance. 
Mrs McColl

Mr Campbell McKissock is our Principal Teacher. He leads Science, Technology, PE, Active Schools and Numeracy. Mr McKissock is qualified to teach French. As part of his management remit, he organises our after school clubs and coordinates student placments. Mr McKissock currently teaches in P6. 
Mr McKissock

Mrs Laura Morley teaches P4 and co-ordinates our Eco Committee. She also leads the development of Modern Languages and Social Studies within our school. She is qualified to teach French and Spanish.  
Mrs Morley

Mrs Sacha Rose teaches P4 at Park View. She is qualified to teach French and to lead the Bikeability sessions. Mrs Rose is responsible for leading the Library Group and overseeing the development of Expressive Arts and Religious and Moral Education across the school. Mrs Rose leads our Nuture Group in the Early Years.
Mrs Rose
Mr Michael Law is our Acting Principal Teacher. As part of his management role, he is our Attachment Lead, Equalities Lead, ICT Coordinator, IDL Lead, link person for our P7/S1 transition and coordinates our approaches to developing ' Skills for Work'.  Mr Law also coordinates our Attachment Committee, runs our Euro Quiz and Football Teams and teaches in Primary 7. 
Mr Law

Mrs Claire Smith is one of our School Support Assistants. She is a Bikeability trainer and also supports children in the Rainbow Corner. Mrs Smith has completed accredited Nurture training, is qualified to lead Catch Up Literacy sessions and has completed Diabetes Management training.
Mrs Smith

Mrs Alison Gilroy is our Support Staff Team Leader.  She manages the School Office and provides administrative support to all members of staff. Mrs Gilroy is the first point of contact for everyone who visits our school and the secretary of our School Fund Committee. 
Mrs Gilroy

Miss Sophia Gray teaches P3 at Park View. She is a qualified CUSTTAD teacher and she also leads the Pupil Council at Park View. Mrs Gray is qualified to teach French and has recently taken on the role of NQT mentor. 
Mrs Gray
Mrs Rachel Watterson teaches P4 in Park View. 
Mrs Watterson

Mrs Kaitlin McNeil is our Acting Principal Teacher. She teaches P1 and she is one of our ASD Link. Mrs McNeil is qualified to teach French. She is responsible for leading our 'Wee Worry Workshop' where she supportis identified pupils in the development of their social/communication skills and their emotional resilience. Mrs McNeil's professional interests include Music and Drama.
Mrs McNeil
Meet the Staff

Miss Le Put is one of our School Support Assistants.
Miss Le Put

Miss Samantha Beattie teaches P1 at Park View. She leads the Junior Road Safety Officers.  Her professional interests are Art and Drama. Miss Beattie is qualified to teach French.
Miss Beattie

Mrs Emma Phillips currently teaches P5 and is our NQT mentor. She is qualified to teach French and Spanish.  Mrs Phillips coordinates our charity work and fundraising.  She has completed 'Give Us A Break' training and  leads our approaches to supporting pupils affected by loss or bereavement. 
Mrs Phillips
Miss Rachel Black is our P2 teacher. 
Miss Black

Miss Riah Stobo teaches P2 at Park View. She helps to lead our approaches to supporting pupils' skills in conflict resolution and resilience. Miss Stobo is qualified to teach French.
Miss Stobo

Mrs Jacqueline Aiton teaches P6 at Park View. She also coordinates our charity work and fundraising efforts across the school. 
Mrs Aiton

Mrs Boyd is one of our School Support Assistants.  She works alongside the teaching staff to support children's learning and development. Mrs Boyd also leads a Homework Club and has completed Diabetes Management training.
Mrs Boyd

Mrs Nikki Dalgleish teaches P1 at Park View. She leads our approaches to learning through play and is our first level literacy coordinator. Miss Rowan also manages our school twitter account. 
Mrs Dalgleish

Mrs Samantha McQuilter teaches P5 at Park View.
Miss McQuilter
Claire is our school cook. 